Well, well, look who found my blog...

...Around here, things don't have to make sense to me, and especially to you. Trains, and mostly their respective models, will be represented here, through my bad grammer and worn-out jokes. If this intrigues you, keep reading...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Yeah, Yeah, I'm Still Here...

Sorry I haven't post in a while, I know some people have been wating to here from me (cough cough, Patrick, cough cough). There just hasn't been a whole lot to report. T-gauge seems to be getting brighter, still can't get on Tyco, though I just applied earlier today. I hope it works this time, because the e-mail NYC supposedly sent didn't show. I got some nifty On30 trains as an early b-day present, and will have to post pix soon. Untill then, just sit tight, everyone!


Patrick said...

LOL..am I annoying? I just get bored and look for things to do online. Anyway, check the tyco forums. It says you're the newest member with the name DJdeTranManReturns. The admin also said he reset your login.

I know I was surprised because I didn't get any email, but my login worked.

patrick said...

Oh by the way...I'm an English teacher, so I have to point out that you said "here from me" instead of "hear from me."

DJdeTrainman said...

I'm sorry, I truly didn't mean to be rude, Pat. I just didn;t ralize anyone was waiting to here from me. It sounds like I'll be able to keep up on my blog more often now, anyways...

...Thanks for your help, Pat!

*P.S.- I warned you my grammar wasn't great...

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