Well, well, look who found my blog...

...Around here, things don't have to make sense to me, and especially to you. Trains, and mostly their respective models, will be represented here, through my bad grammer and worn-out jokes. If this intrigues you, keep reading...

Monday, October 5, 2009

*Insert Appropriate Title Here*

I tried to make a new TF account, but the e-mail hasn't arrived. Dang. Also, read this:

Hello. All of you loving T-Gauge have important news today.From October, T-Gauge became the transfer in RAIL-SHOP( Hong Kong) from EISHINDO. Therefore it became difficult to lay in stock of T-Gauge in HOBBY SEARCH. I'm sorry. T-Gauge will become the sale of the stock limit in future because the re-arrival is not in sight.Thank you.

This was a side note at the end of an e-mail I recieved from Hobby Search, a online Japanese hobby store. If anyone knows what this is really supposed to mean, before I jump to conclusions, please let me know...


Patrick said...

I think that's bad news. Sounds like "T-gauge" isn't doing well.

Sorry to hear about your TF account. I also saw your post there and the somewhat hopeless reply. I guess that site is toast. Come on over to modeltrainforum.com. There's not much action, but it seems to work.

Patrick said...

Hey man...they fixed tycoforums! I'm on now, so come check it out!

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